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audiovisual installation

C-Print edition with lathe cut vinyl release*

– on view

23.-24.05.2023, private view*

25.05.2023, 16-19h

26.05.2023, 16-19h

27.05.2023, 14-18h

28.05.2023, 14-18h

27.05.2023,19h start - space is limited!


Marcos Meza (Cl)

electronics, field recordings



IN BETWEEN is an audio-visual installation of still photographs and field recordings, these are part of Ronald Patrick's (CL) long-term artistic-documentary project on nomadism in Ladakh (India) and Ticino (Switzerland). The sound installation, mixed and mastered by Dasha Redkina (UA), serves as a bridge connecting the space in between with the photographs and distant places.

A C-print edition with a lathe-cut vinyl will be released to mark the occasion.

*) dates and prices on request

  about the artist 

Ronald Patrick (CL),


Ronald Patrick (1979) is a Chilean artist based in Berlin working with documentary still photography and field recordings to create immersive audio-visual installations. For the past fifteen years his work has brought him to some of the world’s most remote corners, allowing him to connect with cultures and peoples who live at the borders of society and giving him a tool with which to share their stories. 

Ronald began his journey with photography after studies in Madrid. Beyond his own personal experience on the field, it was his connection to fellow photographers and artists, mentors like Luis Poirot (CL) and workshops with Maggie Steber (US), Fernanda Larraín (CL) and Pep Bonet (ES), that have deeply marked his approach to the medium. 

His work has been exhibited in galleries and photography festivals in Germany, United States, England, Canada, Spain, Georgia, Japan, Cambodia, New Zealand and Chile. His photographs have also been published by international media, including The New York Times, Time Magazine, Stern, BBC, Forbes, El País Semanal, Politico, Monocle, Vice, The Guardian, NPR, Financial Times, Tagesspiegel, World Photography Organization, The Wall Street Journal amongst others.   

Marcos Meza (CL),

electronics, field recordings

Marcos Meza (August 1984) is a Berlin-based Chilean pianist and composer. His work encompasses compositions that explore impressionist and new-classical sonorities combined with elements of ambient music.

His concerts showcase the intimacy with which he plays the piano, and the ability to take the audience on a contemplative journey through Chile's landscapes, painting cinematographic scenes of folkloric imagery.

In Between:

On this occasion, Marcos Meza will accompany Ronald Patrick's work with an original soundtrack inspired by life in the mountains, in very remote places. This work has been inspired by the silence, the wind, the heights, the sky, the communities and their sacred traditions.

Through an electronic set and a quadraphonic sound system, Marcos Meza performs an evocative sound design, which also includes compositions from his more electronic albums.

more information here:

copyright: photo by Pablo Hassmann

Gaya Lutz (BL)


Gaia Lutz (1992) is a Brazilian writer and journalist based in Lisbon with experience in print, podcast and documentary.

Journalism has taken Gaia around the world reporting for international media on a range of subjects from culture to design, business to travel. As a correspondent in Portugal for the past three years she has explored diverse stories in the country, from its capital’s rich musical scene to the ethical and sustainable agricultural practices of its countryside as well as the collective memory of a riverside neighbourhood told through the life of one of its homeless residents and captured in a short documentary she co-directed. Be it through writing, documentary, podcast or simply in person, she understands and relays her experiences through the prism of metaphors and storytelling. 

Beyond her work for the media she has also collaborated with brands, artists and friends in communication projects helping put their stories and messages into words. She’s currently Monocle magazine’s correspondent in Lisbon.
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